Ombudsperson for CERATIZIT Group
Attorney Dr. David Albrecht treats indications of legal violations as confidential

For CERATIZIT S.A. and the companies of CERATIZIT Group, integrity and transparency are as important as the trust of its staff, customers, partners and all stakeholders. This is why CERATIZIT Group has a modern compliance management system. Appointing an external legal counsel and ombudsperson is an important part of the compliance management system.
Tasks of the ombudsperson
As an ombudsperson, attorney Dr. Albrecht is the contact person for people inside and outside the company who can provide information on rule and legal violations or grievances in a confidential manner. This includes personal legal violations at the workplace.
The tasks of the ombudsperson are restricted to these areas. The ombudsperson is no general contact person for staff, contract partners and customers.
The ombudsperson and all employees of the law firm FS-PP Berlin are subject to attorney-client privilege. The ombudsperson only passes on information to the compliance department of CERATIZIT S.A. with express consent of the person who gave the indications. This process can be anonymous, allowing the ombudsperson to protect the identity of the person who provided information.
Staff of CERATIZIT S.A. can also contact the ombudsperson if they have questions pertaining to correct conduct that are to be treated as confidential. People who want to provide information and staff who contact the ombudsperson with questions can decide whether they want to remain anonymous if information is passed on.
Persons who want to contact attorney Dr. Albrecht as an ombudsperson can use a separate telephone number and e-mail address (see details below). A personal meeting with the ombudsperson is possible by making an appointment.
Contacting the ombudsperson is without risk for a person who has not decided to provide information. She/he can decide afterwards whether the ombudsperson is to hold information in strict confidence or pass it on anonymously.
Persons who provide information not only receive confirmation of receipt immediately, but also a response regarding what action has been taken based on their information and what has been the result within three months.
The ombudsperson is an agent of CERATIZIt S.A.. They are prohibited from giving legal advice that is contrary to the interests of the principal. However, the ombudsperson is charged with explaining internal process initiated in response to persons who provide information.
Specially protected contact established via the FS-PP BKMS® system
Persons who provide information also can contact the ombudsperson of UNICEPTA GmbH via the FS-PP BKMS® system. The BKMS® system is an internet-based reporting system used by many major companies, organizations and police authorities that is secured in the best possible manner and prevents reports being traced. The FS-PP BKMS® system guarantees maximum safety for persons who provide information.
The FS-PP BKMS® system allows people who provide information to create a protected mailbox that enables secure communication with the ombudsperson without disclosing their identity. Reports in the FS-PP BKMS® system cannot be traced.
Link to the FS-PP BKMS® system for specially protected reports
Contact details
Dr. David Albrecht
030 318685-933