FS-PP Berlin assume the tasks of an external legal ombudsperson/ a lawyer of confidence as an instrument of prevention and for uncovering cases of corruption as well as criminal offences and other violations of the law in, from and against the company or organisation.

Internal reporting office

FS-PP Berlin also assumes the more extensive tasks of an internal reporting office as required by EU Directive 2019(1937) and the Whistleblower Protection Act (draft). See the link below for this service.

Service offering BKMS® System

FS-PP Berlin has been using the BKMS® system since 2018. In the context of mandates as external legal ombudsperson, the BKMS® System as a certified, secure system not only guarantees confidentiality, but even anonymity also in the relationship between potential whistleblowers and the mandated ombudspersons / lawyers of confidence.



Dr. Rainer Frank