Confidential reporting channel pursuant to the Supply Chain Act
The Supply Chain Act (LkSG) requires companies and organisations above a certain minimum size to establish a complaints body for indications of violations of human rights and recognised social and environmental standards and for indications of risks of such violations in the company or organisation or in the supply chain.
Opening up internally and externally, guaranteeing confidentiality of identity
The reporting procedure must be available internally to employees and externally to third parties and guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of whistleblowers (organisation-related anonymity) if this protection is desired.
Use case for the FS-PP whistleblowing system
The FS-PP whistleblower system with confidential counsellors and internet-based reporting channel fulfils all requirements for an identity-confidential reporting channel as prescribed by the LkSG. The compliance whistleblower system and the confidential reporting channel of the LkSG complaints office fit well together because the performance requirements are the same. In our understanding, they also belong together because the LkSG Complaints Office is also responsible for reporting violations and not only risks. An LkSG-relevant violation can be a compliance violation at the same time. An example of this are violations in the area of occupational health and safety in the workplace.